Verslun og viðskipti eiga ekki samleið með óða gróða útgerðarinnar Government is corrupt and works on benefits of the ship owners not the people. Has ruined the health system and does not have money to pay the doctors. People in the fishing industry of Iceland will be thrown out if they speek up about the stupidity and corruption that take place arround the fishing and selling of… The government of Iceland increases taxes on sick and elderly but the shipowners take million on millions from the wrong listed Krona. Nothing we have seen in Europe last… Verð á fiskafurðum er búið að vera í hámarki frá hruni en komið er í veg fyrir að við veiðum. Fáránleikinn í kringum kvótann hefur skaðað íslenskt þjóðfélag um… Corruption in the Icelandic fisheries is spoiling the live of Icelandic population. Wile the people fight powerty the shipowners go arround bying up companies for their stolen money. Protected… Corruption in Icelandic politics is damaging the country... from inside. Walls of Monopoly arround the fishing industry in Icelandic fisheries is blocking Icelanders for reestablich the community. Greed of the few is blocking the way to better live in… Icelandic government had to move the Bill of new kvotasystem out of the parliment because of protests in and outside the parliment.