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Heimild : Vestfirðir
Heimild : Vestfirðir Stupidity that are exercised with the Icelandic fisheries is so destructive to small communities and the economy of the welfare state is collapsing and no visible improvement for the… Icelanders are now fighting the biggest corruption any Western country has faced last 60 years at least. Few gang of ship owners decided they should do all they could…
Þöggun og skoðanakúgun er einn af fylgifiskum kvótakerfisins, enda gífurlegir fjárhagslegir hagsmunir í veði að viðhalda kerfi sem þjónar aðeins fámennum hópi manna. Ólafur Jónsson, stundum nefndur Óli ufsi, segist… I know it is hard to imagine that Iceland have so much corruption as it is. Now that shipowners take the profit based on 50 present devaluation of the… Shipowners send a message to the Icelandic people that they should be satisfied that they have a monopoly on quota and point them to go find something else to… The funny thing with the Icelandic educational community is that they crawl for the quota-elite and combat all the necessary changes needed to make the Icelandic fisheries management so… Ólaf Jónsson was thrown of his vessel and has been harrazed for his opinion on the corruption around the Icelandic fisheries and the damage it has made to the…
Kvótakerfinu íslenska var komið á til reynslu um áramótin 1983/84 í mikilli andstöðu við meirihluta manna í sjávarútvegi. Eftir mjög slæma reynslu fyrsta ársins (sjá mynd úr Morgunblaðinu hér að…
Seinni dýfan á þessu grafi sýnir hvernig kvótakerfið fór með Færeyinga þau tvö ár sem það var við líði. Kvótakerfið sem sett var á vegna ofveiði á fiskistofnum á áttunda…