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Ólafur Jónsson togaraskipstjóri og fiskveiðifræðingur sem betur er þekktur undir nafninu Óli ufsi hefur að undanförnu vakið mikla athygli á Facebook fyrir kraftmikla myndbandspistla þar sem hann segir ráðamönnum til…
Ólafur Jónsson togaraskipstjóri og fiskveiðifræðingur sem betur er þekktur undir nafninu Óli ufsi hefur að undanförnu vakið mikla athygli á Facebook fyrir kraftmikla myndbandspistla þar sem hann segir ráðamönnum til… Here we talk about the honesty and dishonesty of politicians in Iceland. How the will of the maturity of the nation has been by past for 30 years when… Enginn af silkihúfum stjórnkerfisins nefndi um áramótin hvað væri að ... og hvað þyrfti að gera til að endurreisa efnahag þjóðfélagsins. When the top elite in Iceland trys to calm down… Sóknarhópurinn (protestgroup) has been established to fight corruption arround the kvotasystem in Icelandic fishing. The Icelandic nation needs to stand up against the corruption in the Icelandic government who is putting the interest of the ship owners ahead of the people of Iceland. Capt. Ólafur Jonsson has been fighting the corruption around the Icelandic kvóta-system from day one. He has been put out of his job and threaten and blocked from other…
Heimild : Vestfirðir Never have as many suffer for the greed of the very very few as now is happeing in Iceland and the Icelandic fisheries